Judy Chavez Ipenza

Program Manager

Judy’s work as program manager is to oversee all aspects of DESEA Peru. She works closely with project coordinators to ensure that specific projects are being carried out effectively. She coordinates all aspects of DESEA Peru programs together with President Sandra McGirr.

Judy was born in Quillabamba, La Convención. She attended Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco, where she studied Law and Political Science. Judy gained a law degree 2015 and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Social Project Management from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Prior to joining DESEA as Program Manager, Judy had her own Spanish language school and worked in government programs for the protection of women and children.

Judy brings a wide range of skills to her role as Program Manager. Her work at DESEA revolves around the implementation of sustainable economic development projects, conflict resolution, women’s and human rights, and education.

She was drawn to the organization because of its emphasis on community development, seeing in it a clear path to enacting a social vision inclusive of her deepest values. Her favorite aspect of her work is the frequent contact with members of the Andean communities in which DESEA operates. Having the opportunity to witness the positive impact brought about by the organization’s programs, and knowing that her work provides communities with newfound opportunities, provides her with a constant source of reward.

Judy’s hope for the future of DESEA is that the organization become a vehicle through which served communities are empowered to take their rightful place as active agents of their own development. She aspires to a day when each community has adopted the organization’s programs and perpetuates them in a manner that best suits their needs.