Juvenal Aguayo Espinoza

Water Program Coordinator

Juvenal’s role in DESEA Peru is as the principal water filter technician responsible for the construction, installation, and monitoring of biosand water filters.  Additionally, he works with Water Project Coordinator, David Villagarcia Ramirez, to deliver hygiene and community water system maintenance training for men and women.  Willington also offers support as a driver, and in DESEA’s health and social and economic development programs.

Wilington joined the team in 2018, sharing DESEA’s vision of supporting people in need.  His previous work in rural Andean communities and his understanding of their cultural and socioeconomic context has benefitted the delivery and success of DESEA Peru’s activities.  For the future, Wilington hopes that DESEA’s projects are able to grow and extend to other communities to improve the quality of life of families, children, and the elderly.

Wilington is from Lamay District in Calca Province.  He completed a degree in tourism at the Institute Superior Americana Del Cusco.  He is fluent in Quechua and Spanish.